GW Law Faculty Publications & Other Works
The Faculty Scholarship collection contains full text scholarly works authored by permanent faculty of the George Washington University Law School.
Works encompass many topics such as government regulation, animal law, business & finance law, constitutional law, civil rights, criminal law, litigation, environmental & energy law, family law, government procurement, health law, intellectual property & technology law, labor law, taxation law, cyber security law, national security law, international law, foreign relations law, and public interest law.
Submissions from 2019
How WTO Dispute Settlement Succumbed to the Trump Administration, Steve Charnovitz
The Lost History of the ILO’s Trade Sanctions, Steve Charnovitz
Chapter 4 from Margin of Trust: The Berkshire Business Model published by Columbia University Press, Lawrence A. Cunningham
Introduction to the Essays of Warren Buffett: Lessons for Corporate America, Lawrence A. Cunningham
Buckley 2.0: How Would The Buckley Court Decide Buckley Today?, Miriam Galston
The Forgotten FISA Court: Exploring the Inactivity of the ATRC, Aram Gavoor and Timothy M. Belsan
Why is Mississippi the Best State in Which to be Exonerated? An Empirical Evaluation of State Statutory and Civil Compensation for the Wrongfully Convicted, Jeffrey Gutman and Lingxiao Sun
Epstein’s Insights about Private Law and History for Intellectual Property and Trade of Today and Tomorrow, F. Scott Kieff
The Admissibility of Forensic Reports in the Post-Justice Scalia Supreme Court, Laird Kirkpatrick
#MeToo, Wrongs Against Women, and Restorative Justice, Laurie S. Kohn
#MeToo Meets the Ministerial Exception: Sexual Harassment Claims by Clergy and the First Amendment's Religion Clauses, Ira C. Lupu and Robert W. Tuttle
An Empirical Assessment of Agency Mechanism Choice, David L. Markell, Robert L. Glicksman, and Justin Sevier
Child Custody Outcomes in Cases Involving Parental Alienation and Abuse Allegations, Joan S. Meier, Sean Dickson, Chris O'Sullivan, Leora Rosen, and Jeffrey Hayes
From Dodge to eBay: The Elusive Corporate Purpose, Dalia Tsuk Mitchell
§ 8:91 Public records—Forensic laboratory reports, Christopher B. Mueller and Laird Kirkpatrick
Fourth Report of the Special Rapporteur on Crimes against Humanity, Sean D. Murphy
The Marketplace of Ideas Online, Dawn C. Nunziato
A Realistic Version of Campaign Finance Reform and Two Essential Steps Toward a Return to Effective Governance, Richard J. Pierce Jr
Delegation, Time, And Congressional Capacity: A Response To Adler And Walker, Richard J. Pierce Jr
Supreme Court Brief Of Amicus Curiae Richard J. Pierce, Jr. In Support Of Neither Party, Richard J. Pierce Jr
Takeaways from the Conference on the Future of White House Regulatory Oversight and Cost-Benefit Analysis, Richard J. Pierce Jr
The Scope of the Removal Power Is Ripe for Reconsideration, Richard J. Pierce Jr
Sham Marriage and Privilege, Stephen A. Saltzburg
Modern Military Justice: Cases and Materials, Lisa M. Schenck
Law and Norms in the Market Response to Discrimination in the Sharing Economy, Naomi Schoenbaum
Emerging Policy and Practice Issues (2018), Steven L. Schooner and David Berteau
ALI Data Privacy: Overview and Black Letter Text, Daniel J. Solove and Paul M. Schwartz
The Impact of Citizen Environmental Science in the United States, George Wyeth, Lee C. Paddock, Alison Parker, Robert L. Glicksman, and Jecoliah Williams
Trump Executive Order Calls For More Aggressive Use Of The Buy American Act—An Order Likely To Have More Political Than Practical Effect, Christopher R. Yukins
U.S. Government To Award Billions Of Dollars In Contracts To Open Electronic Marketplaces To Government Customers—Though Serious Questions Remain, Christopher R. Yukins
Suspension and Debarment in the U.S. Government: Comparative Lessons for the EU’s Next Steps in Procurement, Christopher R. Yukins and Michal Kania
Introduction: The Promise and Perils of Innovation in Cross-Border Procurement, Christopher R. Yukins and Gabriella M. Racca
Submissions from 2018
Cost-Plus Patent Damages, Michael B. Abramowicz
Bifurcating Settlements, Michael B. Abramowicz and Sarah Abramowicz
Global Legal Pluralism as a Normative Project, Paul Schiff Berman
Legal Jurisdiction and the Deterritorialization of Data, Paul Schiff Berman
Human Rights Extraterritoriality: The Right to Privacy and National Security Surveillance, Francesca Bignami and Giorgio Resta
Revisiting Revocation upon Divorce?, Naomi R. Cahn
The Golden Years, Gray Divorce, Pink Caretaking, and Green Money, Naomi R. Cahn
Sexism in the 'Bathroom Debates': How Bathrooms Really Became Separated By Sex, W. Burlette Carter
How American Rejectionism Undermines International Economic Law, Steve Charnovitz
The Other Half Of The Abortion Right, Thomas Colby
Contract Interpretation 2.0: Not Winner-Take-All But Best-Tool-For-The-Job, Lawrence A. Cunningham
Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems: The Overlooked Importance of Administrative Accountability, Laura T. Dickinson
Unbundling Populism, David Fontana
The Firm Constitutional Foundation and Shaky Political Future of Environmental Cooperative Federalsim, Robert L. Glicksman
Law & Entrepreneurship in Global Clinical Education, Susan Jones and Janet Thompson Jackson
Divided Infringement, Economics, and the Common Law, Dmitry Karshtedt
The More Things Change: Improvement Patents, Drug Modifications, and the FDA, Dmitry Karshtedt