GW Law Faculty Publications & Other Works
The Faculty Scholarship collection contains full text scholarly works authored by permanent faculty of the George Washington University Law School.
Works encompass many topics such as government regulation, animal law, business & finance law, constitutional law, civil rights, criminal law, litigation, environmental & energy law, family law, government procurement, health law, intellectual property & technology law, labor law, taxation law, cyber security law, national security law, international law, foreign relations law, and public interest law.
Submissions from 2022
Taking Stock of the “Compatibility Requirement”: What Limitations Does It Impose for High Seas Fishing?, Sean D. Murphy
Temporal Issues Relating to BIT Dispute Resolution, Sean D. Murphy
Code Free or Die: Regulations of Computer Code and the First Amendment, Dawn C. Nunziato
Protecting Free Speech and Due Process Values on Dominant Social Media Platforms, Dawn C. Nunziato
An Expanded Version of OIRA Can Ensure Democratic Accountability in the Administrative State, Richard J. Pierce Jr
How Should the Court Respond to the Combination of Political Polarity, Legislative Impotence, and Executive Branch Overreach?, Richard J. Pierce Jr
The Remedies for Constitutional Flaws Have Major Flaws, Richard J. Pierce Jr
Unsexing Breastfeeding, Naomi Schoenbaum
Emerging Policy and Practice Issues (2021), Steven L. Schooner and David Berteau
Strange Bedfellows? Representative Democracy and Academic Engagement with the Defense Industry, Steven L. Schooner and Evan Matsuda
Transformational Procurement—The Past And Future Of Global And Local Public Purchasing—Views From The Expert Community On What Public Money Did And Will Still Need To Buy, Steven L. Schooner and Gustavo Piga
The Institutional Mismatch of State Civil Courts, Colleen F. Shanahan, Jessica Steinberg, Alyx Mark, and Anna E. Carpenter
Gordon College and the Future of the Ministerial Exception, Peter J. Smith and Robert W. Tuttle
Data Vu: Why Breaches Involve the Same Stories Again and Again, Daniel J. Solove
The Limitations of Privacy Rights, Daniel J. Solove
Breached! Why Data Security Law Fails and How to Improve It (Chapter 1), Daniel J. Solove and Woodrow Hartzog
The Failure of Data Security Law, Daniel J. Solove and Woodrow Hartzog
An Overview of Privacy Law in 2022, Daniel J. Solove and Paul M. Schwartz
The Democratic (Il)legitimacy of Assembly-Line Litigation, Jessica Steinberg, Colleen F. Shanahan, Anna E. Carpenter, and Alyx Mark
McKinsey & Company’s Conduct and Conflicts at the Heart of the Opioid Epidemic, Hearing Before the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, Jessica Tillipman
Organizational Conflicts of Interest: Cautionary Tales, Jessica Tillipman
Using AI to Reduce Performance Risk in U.S. Procurement, Jessica Tillipman
Canada's Integrity Regime: The Corporate Grim Reaper, Jessica Tillipman and Samantha Block
Eliminating the Fugitive Disentitlement Doctrine in Immigration Matters, Tania N. Valdez
Medicare for All, Health Justice, and the Laboratories of Democracy, Elenore Wade
Afterword: Why 'Taming the Megabanks' Should Remain a Top Priority for Financial Regulators and Policymakers, Arthur E. Wilmarth Jr.
Comment Letter to the U.S. Treasury Department regarding the Risks of Stablecoins, Arthur E. Wilmarth Jr.
The Second Circuit's Cantero Decision Is Wrong about Preemption under the National Bank Act, Arthur E. Wilmarth Jr.
Remorse, Relational Legal Consciousness, and the Reproduction of Carceral Logic, Kathryne M. Young and Hannah Chimowitz
Feature Comment: The Inflation Reduction Act: A New Role For Green Procurement?, Christopher R. Yukins and Nathaniel Green
Overcoming Corruption and War -- Lessons from Ukraine's ProZorro Procurement System, Christopher R. Yukins and Steven Kelman
The UNCITRAL Model Law on Public Procurement: Potential Next Steps, Christopher R. Yukins and Caroline Nicholas
Submissions from 2021
Colorblind Tax Enforcement, Jeremy Bearer-Friend
Methodologies of Comparative Constitutional Law: Functional Approach The Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law (forthcoming), Francesca Bignami
Fall 2021 Supplement to Brauneis & Schechter, Copyright: A Contemporary Approach, Robert Brauneis and Roger E. Schechter
Tax Incentives and Sub-Saharan Africa, Karen B. Brown
The Art of Regulating ART, Naomi Cahn and Sonia Suter
Structured to Fail: Lessons from the Trump Administration's Faulty Pandemic Planning and Response, Alejandro E. Camacho and Robert L. Glicksman
Judges in Lawyerless Courts, Anna E. Carpenter, Colleen F. Shanahan, Jessica Steinberg, and Alyx Mark
The Expanding Labor Dimension of US-Negotiated Regional Trade Agreements: TPP and USMCA, Steve Charnovitz
Ask the Smart Money: Shareholder Votes by a "Majority of the Quality Shareholders", Lawrence A. Cunningham
Lessons from Quality Shareholders on Corporate Governance Practice, Research and Scholarship, Lawrence A. Cunningham
The Impending Judicial Regulation of Artificial Intelligence in the Administrative State, Aram A. Gavoor
In Search of the Presumption of Regularity, Aram A. Gavoor and Steven Platt
Designing Regulation Across Organizations: Assessing the Functions and Dimensions of Governance, Robert L. Glicksman and Alejandro E. Camacho
Adaptive Management and NEPA: How to Reconcile Predictive Assessment in the Face of Uncertainty with Natural Resource Management Flexibility and Success, Robert L. Glicksman and Jarryd Page
When the Math Matters: Improving Statistical Advocacy in Gerrymandering Litigation, Robin L. Juni
Nonobviousness: Before and After, Dmitry Karshtedt
Patent Law: An Open-Source Casebook (Chapter 8: Defenses), Dmitry Karshtedt, Mark D. Janis, and Ted M. Sichelman