GW Law Faculty Publications & Other Works
The Faculty Scholarship collection contains full text scholarly works authored by permanent faculty of the George Washington University Law School.
Works encompass many topics such as government regulation, animal law, business & finance law, constitutional law, civil rights, criminal law, litigation, environmental & energy law, family law, government procurement, health law, intellectual property & technology law, labor law, taxation law, cyber security law, national security law, international law, foreign relations law, and public interest law.
Submissions from 2025
The Ten Commandments in Louisiana Public Schools: A Study in the Survival of Establishment Clause Norms, Ira C. Lupu and Robert W. Tuttle
Allies Bridging The Valley Of Death: How NATO’s Defence Innovation Accelerator For The North Atlantic Will Help Maintain NATO’s Technological Edge, Thomas McSorley, Maciel Macenowicz, Matthew Maddison, and Christopher R. Yukins
Overcoming Racial Harms to Democracy from Artificial Intelligence, Spencer A. Overton
To Predict the Post-Chevron World, You Must Understand the Pre-Chevron World and Then Add Extreme Political Polarity, Richard J. Pierce Jr
Submissions from 2024
Putting Lipstick on a Pig: Biogas, Methane Digesters, and the Greenwashing Playbook, Randall S. Abate
Modeling Fee Shifting with Computational Game Theory, Michael B. Abramowicz
Regulating Producers by Randomizing Consumers, Michael B. Abramowicz
The Cost of Justice at the Dawn of AI, Michael B. Abramowicz
Plenary Power: Teaching The Immigration Law Of The Territories, Cori Alonso-Yoder
Mandated Reporting and The Legal Educator's Duty, Cori Alonso-Yoder and Eve Rips
A Transatlantic Analysis of EU and U.S. Strategies In “Green Procurement", Marta Andhov and Christopher R. Yukins
Constitutional Federalism and the Nature of the Union, Anthony J. Bellia Jr. and Bradford R. Clark
State Sovereign Immunity and the New Purposivism, Anthony J. Bellia and Bradford R. Clark
The Future of Jurisdiction, Paul S. Berman
Conflicts of Law and the Abortion War Between the States, Paul S. Berman, Roey Goldstein, and Sophie Leff
Review Essay: Marta Cartabia and Nicola Lupo, “The Constitution of Italy: A Contextual Analysis” (2023), Francesca Bignami
Extraterritoriality, Francesca Bignami and Giorgio Resta
Copyright and the Training of Human Authors and Generative Machines, Robert Brauneis
The New Gender Perspective: The Dawn of Intersectional Autonomy in Women’s Rights, Rosa Celorio
China's Anti-Secession Law: Background, Legal Significance, and Recent Developments, Donald C. Clarke
The Intentional Pursuit of Purpose: Nurturing Students’ Authentic Motivation for Practicing Law, Katya S. Cronin
Value-Centered Lawyering: Reshaping the Law School Curriculum to Promote Well-Being, Quality Client Representation, and a Thriving Legal Field, Katya S. Cronin
Congressional Testimony: Problems with the SEC's Climate Disclosure Proposal, Lawrence A. Cunningham
Protecting the U.S. National Security State from a Rogue President, Laura T. Dickinson
Will Protectionism Prevail in Global Public Procurement?, Laurence Folliot Lalliot and Christopher R. Yukins
Compensation Under the Microscope: Michigan, Jeffrey Gutman
Compensation Under the Microscope: What Has Gone Wrong with Oregon's Wrongful Compensation Statute?, Jeffrey Gutman
Firearms and the Homeowner: Defending the Castle, the Curtilage, and Beyond, Cynthia Lee
The Centennial of Meyer and Pierce: Parents’ Rights, Gender-Affirming Care, and Issues in Education, Ira C. Lupu
Durability, Flexibility and Plasticity in the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea, Sean Murphy
Presidential Power to Exit Treaties: Reflecting on the Mirror Principle, Sean Murphy and Edward T. Swaine
The Old and The New Governors: Efforts to Regulate and to Influence Platform Content Moderation, Dawn C. Nunziato
The Implications of Section 230 for Black Communities, Spencer A. Overton and Catherine Powell
In Memoriam: Honorable Ruth Thelma Cooper Breslauer Burg (1926-2023), Judge Reba Page, Judge Mary Ellen Coster Williams, John S. Pachter, and Steven L. Schooner
A Quartet of Decisions That Cripple Agencies, Richard J. Pierce Jr
The Supreme Court’s Opinion in SEC v. Jarkesy Has the Potential to Be Extremely Destructive, Richard J. Pierce Jr
Are "Book Bans" Unconstitutional? Reflections on Public School Libraries and the Limits of Law, Catherine J. Ross
Guardians of Ethics for the Profession of Arms: Judge Advocates Assisting Commanders to Choose the Harder Right Over the Easier Wrong, Lisa M. Schenck
Modern Military Justice: Cases and Materials (4th Ed.) (2024) (West Academic), Lisa M. Schenck
Feature Comment: Ethics, Compliance, And The Dispiriting Saga Of Craig Whitlock’s Fat Leonard, Steven L. Schooner
Why Sustainable Procurement? Read All About It, Steven L. Schooner
The Overton Window and Privacy Enforcement, Alicia Solow-Niederman
FEATURE COMMENT: Don’t Let Post-Employment Conflicts Derail Your Contract Award, Jessica Tillipman and Bryan Dewan
Disability, Race, and Immigration: The Intersectional Impact of Policing, Tania N. Valdez
Food Procurement: An Essential Ingredient to Mitigating Climate Change and Enhancing Public Health, Chloë Waterman, Rachel Clark, and Steven L. Schooner
On Remand in Cantero, the Second Circuit Should Reject Bank of America's Preemption Claim and Hold That New York's Interest-on-Escrow Law Applies to National Banks, Arthur E. Wilmarth Jr.
Policy Brief: Congress Should Reject the Lummis-Gillibrand Stablecoin Bill Because It Would Endanger Consumers, Investors, and Our Financial System, Arthur E. Wilmarth Jr.
Policy Brief: On Remand in Cantero, the Second Circuit Should Uphold New York's Interest-on-Escrow Law and Reject Bank of America's Preemption Claim, Arthur E. Wilmarth Jr.
We Need a New Glass-Steagall Act to End the Toxic Symbiosis Between Universal Banks and Shadow Banks, Which Professor Corrigan Has More Fully Revealed, Arthur E. Wilmarth Jr.