GW Law Faculty Publications & Other Works
The Faculty Scholarship collection contains full text scholarly works authored by permanent faculty of the George Washington University Law School.
Works encompass many topics such as government regulation, animal law, business & finance law, constitutional law, civil rights, criminal law, litigation, environmental & energy law, family law, government procurement, health law, intellectual property & technology law, labor law, taxation law, cyber security law, national security law, international law, foreign relations law, and public interest law.
Submissions from 2020
COVID-19: LESSONS LEARNED IN PUBLIC PROCUREMENT. TIME FOR A NEW NORMAL?, Laurence Folliot Lalliot and Christopher R. Yukins
Probable Cause with Teeth, Cynthia Lee
The Trans Panic Defense Revisited, Cynthia Lee
The Surprising Views of Montesquieu and Tocqueville about Juries: Juries Empower Judges, Renée Lettow Lerner
The Trump Administration’s Flawed Decision on Coronavirus Vaccine Injury Compensation: Recommendations for Changes, Peter H. Meyers
Codifying the Obligations of States Relating to the Prevention of Atrocities, Sean D. Murphy
Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Work of the International Law Commission, Sean D. Murphy
Peremptory Norms of General International Law (Jus Cogens) and Other Topics: The Seventy- First Session of the International Law Commission, Sean D. Murphy
Misinformation Mayhem: Social Media Platforms’ Efforts to Combat Medical and Political Misinformation, Dawn C. Nunziato
Agency Adjudication: It Is Time to Hit the Reset Button, Richard J. Pierce Jr
Comments of Richard J. Pierce, Jr. on Promoting the Rule of Law Through Transparency and Fairness in Civil Administrative Enforcement and Adjudication Docket Number OMB-2019-0006, Richard J. Pierce Jr
Regulation in the Biden Administration, Richard J. Pierce Jr
The U.S. Federal Trade Commission Workshop on Non-Compete Clauses, Richard J. Pierce Jr
The Combination of Chevron and Political Polarity Will Have Awful Effects, Richard J. Pierce Jr
The New Law of Gender Nonconformity, Naomi Schoenbaum
Brand Name or Equal: Without "Equal," It's Not Competitive, Steven L. Schooner
Emerging Policy and Practice Issues (2019), Steven L. Schooner
ENHANCED DEBRIEFINGS: A Toothless Mandate?, Steven L. Schooner
Look Up and Around: Musings on Mentors, Role Models, and Professionalism (Revised and Updated), Steven L. Schooner
Postscript II: Enhanced Debriefings, Steven L. Schooner
‘Warming Up’ to Sustainable Procurement, Steven L. Schooner and Markus Speidel
COVID, CRISIS AND COURTS, Colleen F. Shanahan, Alyx Mark, Jessica K. Steinberg, and Anna E. Carpenter
The Myth of the Privacy Paradox, Daniel J. Solove
Graduate Level Distance Learning: Enhanced Student Experience, Significant Scalability Challenges: A Multiyear Case Study, Karen Thornton, Steven L. Schooner, and Markus Speidel
The Compliance Mentorship Program: Improving Ethics and Compliance in Small Government Contractors, Jessica Tillipman and Vijaya Surampudi
Sentenced to Surveillance: Fourth Amendment Limits on Electronic Monitoring, Kate Weisburd
Comment Letter In Opposition to the OCC's Proposed "True Lender" Rule, Arthur E. Wilmarth Jr.
Comment Letter In Opposition to the OCC's Proposed "Valid-When-Made" Rule, Arthur E. Wilmarth Jr.
Taming the Megabanks: Why We Need a New Glass-Steagall Act, Arthur E. Wilmarth Jr.
The FDIC Should Not Allow Commercial Firms to Acquire Industrial Banks, Arthur E. Wilmarth Jr.
The OCC's and FDIC's Attempts to Confer Banking Privileges on Nonbanks and Commercial Firms Violate Federal Laws and Are Contrary to Public Policy, Arthur E. Wilmarth Jr.
Withdrawing the United States from the WTO Government Procurement Agreement (GPA): Assessing Potential Damage to the U.S. and Its Contracting Community, Christopher R. Yukins
GSA’s Commercial Marketplaces Initiative: Opening Amazon and Other Private Marketplaces To Direct Purchases By Government Users, Christopher R. Yukins, Abraham Young, Kristen Ittig, and Eric Valle
Submissions from 2019
Blockchain-Based Insurance, Michael B. Abramowicz
Prize and Reward Alternatives to Intellectual Property, Michael B. Abramowicz
Tax Experimentation, Michael B. Abramowicz
The Very Brief History of Decentralized Blockchain Governance, Michael B. Abramowicz
Contractual Tax Reform, Michael B. Abramowicz and Andrew `Blair-Stanek
Boiling Down Boilerplate in M&A Agreements: A Response to Choi, Gulati, & Scott, Robert Anderson and Jeffrey Manns
Digital Asset Planning for Minors, Natalie Banta and Naomi R. Cahn
The International Law Origins of American Federalism, Anthony J. Bellia Jr. and Bradford R. Clark
Can Global Legal Pluralism Be Both "Global" and "Pluralist"?, Paul Schiff Berman
Dismantling the Trusts and Estates Canon, Naomi R. Cahn
Women, Rule-Breaking, and The Triple Bind, June Carbone, Naomi R. Cahn, and Nancy Levit
Are There Universal Standards for Network Neutrality?, Arturo J. Carrillo
Can a Sitting President Be Federally Prosecuted? The Founders' Answer, W. Burlette Carter
Discrimination and the Regional Human Rights Protection Systems: The Enigma of Effectiveness, Rosa Celorio
A WTO If You Can Keep It, Steve Charnovitz
Grading Trump's China Trade Strategy, Steve Charnovitz