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This article considers the allegations that have surfaced against high-profile perpetrators as a sample of the range of accusations raised generally through the #MeToo movement and analyzes the current responses available to redress the wrongs identified. The civil and criminal justice systems provide legal responses to sexual assault and harassment; social media and traditional media have also come to play a responsive role in this movement. The article considers the efficacy of both systems in delivering the resolutions we seek and analyzes the pros and cons of media justice and its potential for delivering just and desirable outcomes for victims and society alike. Finally, it turns to the potential of restorative justice, a therapeutic form of dispute resolution that has enormous potential for eliciting the outcomes we seek from wrongs surfaced in the #MeToo movement and those gender-based workplace wrongs that will continue to plague our country until further progress is made toward true gender-equality, respect, and understanding.
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Laurie S. Kohn, #MeToo, Wrongs Against Women, and Restorative Justice, 28 Kan. J. L. Pub. Pol'y 561 (2019).