GW Law Faculty Publications & Other Works
The Faculty Scholarship collection contains full text scholarly works authored by permanent faculty of the George Washington University Law School.
Works encompass many topics such as government regulation, animal law, business & finance law, constitutional law, civil rights, criminal law, litigation, environmental & energy law, family law, government procurement, health law, intellectual property & technology law, labor law, taxation law, cyber security law, national security law, international law, foreign relations law, and public interest law.
Submissions from 2001
Dispelling the Misconceptions Raised by the Davis Dissent, Joan E. Schaffner
DoD Range Rule Withdrawn with a View Towards Reproposal, Lisa M. Schenck
Encroachment: Putting the 'Squeeze' on the Department of Defense (DoD), Lisa M. Schenck
Fear of Oversight: The Fundamental Failure of Businesslike Government, Steven L. Schooner
What Statutory Drafting Errors Teach Us About Statutory Interpretation, Jonathan R. Siegel
Pennhurst, Chevron, and the Spending Power, Peter J. Smith
Privacy and Power: Computer Databases and Metaphors for Information Privacy, Daniel J. Solove
The Allure and Peril of Genetic Exceptionalism: Do We Need Special Genetics Legislation?, Sonia M. Suter
Crosby as Foreign Relations Law, Edward T. Swaine
The Local Law of Global Antitrust, Edward T. Swaine
The Undersea World of Foreign Relations Federalism, Edward T. Swaine
Submissions from 2000
En Banc Revisited, Michael B. Abramowicz
En Banc Revisited, Michael B. Abramowicz
A Grace Period and European Patent Law: It's Time for Change, Martin J. Adelman
Commentary: The Hague Draft Convention on Jurisdiction: An Introduction to the Intellectual Property Issues, Martin J. Adelman
The Use of the Doctrine of Equivalents to Fix Mistakes a Mistake?, Martin J. Adelman
An Observation and a Strange But True 'Tale': What Might the Historical Trials of Animals Tell Us about the Transformative Potential of Law in American Culture?, Paul Schiff Berman
Cyberspace and the State Action Debate: The Cultural Value of Applying Constitutional Norms to 'Private' Regulation, Paul Schiff Berman
Policing Women: Moral Arguments and the Dilemmas of Criminalization., Naomi R. Cahn
The Power of Caretaking, Naomi R. Cahn
Collecting Child Support: A History of Federal and State Initiatives, Naomi R. Cahn and Jane C. Murphy
Student Athlete Welfare in a Restructured NCAA, W. Burlette Carter
True Reparations, W. Burlette Carter
Death and Deterrence: Notes on a Still Inchoate Judicial Inquiry, Robert J. Cottrol
The Impact of Student GPAS and a Pass/Fail Option on Clinical Negotiation Course Performance, Charles B. Craver
Toward a Prudential and Credibility-Centered Parol Evidence Rule, Lawrence A. Cunningham
A Sense of Security: An Empirical Study, Theresa Gabaldon
Making A Nuisance of Takings Law, Robert L. Glicksman
Federal Environmental Law in the 'New Federalism' Era, Robert L. Glicksman and Stephen McAllister
Accounting Standards and German Supplementary Pensions: The Emerging Framework Underpinning Global Finance, Daniel I. Gordon
German Social Market in the World of Global Finance: Pension Investment Management and the Limits of Consensual Decision Making, Daniel I. Gordon, Daniel Mansfield, and Adam Tickell
Representing the Poor and Homeless: Innovations in Advocacy Tackling Homelessness Through Economic Self-Sufficiency, Susan R. Jones
Facilitating Scientific Research: Intellectual Property Rights and the Norms of Science - A Response to Rai and Eisenberg, F. Scott Kieff
Cautious Skepticism About the Benefit of Adding More Formalities to the Manual for Courts-Martial Rule-Making Process: A Response to Captain Kevin J. Barry, Gregory E. Maggs
Karl Llewellyn's Fading Imprint on the Jurisprudence of the Uniform Commercial Code, Gregory E. Maggs
Exit, Voice, and Values on the Net, Dawn C. Nunziato
The Inherent Limits of Judicial Control of Agency Discretion: The D.C. Circuit and the Nondelegation Doctrine, Richard J. Pierce Jr
Anything Goes: Examining the State's Interest in Protecting Children from Controversial Speech, Catherine J. Ross
Panel Two: Who’s Minding the Baby?, Catherine J. Ross, Adrienne Davis, Marion Crain, Bonnie Thornton Dill, Nancy Dowd, and Joan Williams
Davis v. Monroe County Board of Education: The Unresolved Questions,, Joan E. Schaffner
Remedies in Animal-Related Litigation, Joan E. Schaffner
Let's Clear the Air: Enforcing Civil Penalties Against Federal Violators of the Clean Air Act, Lisa M. Schenck
Unexploded Ordnance (UXO): An Explosive Issue?, Lisa M. Schenck
Wetlands Protection: Regulators Need to Give Credit to Mitigation Banking, Lisa M. Schenck
Watching the Sunset: Anticipating GAO's Study of Concurrent Bid Protest Jurisdiction in the Cofc and the District Courts, Steven L. Schooner
Family Leave and the Gender Wage Gap, Michael Selmi
Commitment and Compliance: The Role of Non-Binding Norms in the International Legal System (Introduction), Dinah L. Shelton
Reparations for Victims of International Crimes, Dinah L. Shelton
Negotiating Federalism: State Bargaining and the Dormant Treaty Power, Edward T. Swaine
Review of the Expanding Role of State and Local Governments in U.S. Foreign Affairs, Edward T. Swaine