GW Law Faculty Publications & Other Works
The Faculty Scholarship collection contains full text scholarly works authored by permanent faculty of the George Washington University Law School.
Works encompass many topics such as government regulation, animal law, business & finance law, constitutional law, civil rights, criminal law, litigation, environmental & energy law, family law, government procurement, health law, intellectual property & technology law, labor law, taxation law, cyber security law, national security law, international law, foreign relations law, and public interest law.
Submissions from 2003
Barriers to Reliable Credibility Assessments: Domestic Violence Victim-Witnesses, Laurie S. Kohn
Murder and the Reasonable Man: Passion and Fear in the Criminal Courtroom, Cynthia Lee
Zelman's Future: Vouchers, Sectarian Providers, and the Next Round of Constitutional Battles, Ira C. Lupu and Robert W. Tuttle
Book Review of Frederic L. Borch, Judge Advocates in Combat: Army Lawyers in Military Operations from Vietnam to Haiti (2001), Gregory E. Maggs
The Waning Importance of Revisions to U.C.C. Article 2, Gregory E. Maggs
Domestic Violence, Child Custody, and Child Protection: Understanding Judicial Resistance and Imagining the Solutions, Joan S. Meier
Corporations Without Labor: The Politics of Progressive Corporate Law, Dalia Tsuk Mitchell
International Law, the United States, and the Non-Military 'War' Against Terrorism, Sean D. Murphy
Freedom of Expression, Democratic Norms, and Internet Governance, Dawn C. Nunziato
Implementing Constitutional Rights for Juveniles: The Parent-Child Privilege in Context, Catherine J. Ross
Including Law in the Mix: The Role of Law, Lawyers, and Legal Training in Child Advocacy, Catherine J. Ross
The Parent-Child Privilege in Context, Catherine J. Ross
Commercial Purchasing: The Chasm between the United States Government's Evolving Policy and Practice, Steven L. Schooner
Model Behaviour? Anecdotal Evidence of Tension between Evolving Commercial Public Procurement Practices and Trade Policy, Steven L. Schooner and Christopher R. Yukins
The Price of Discrimination: The Nature of Class Action Employment Litigation and Its Effects, Michael Selmi
Caretaking and the Contradictions of Contemporary Policy, Michael Selmi and Naomi R. Cahn
The Impact of Economic Globalization On Compliance, Dinah L. Shelton
Waivers of State Sovereign Immunity and the Ideology of the Eleventh Amendment, Jonathan R. Siegel
States as Nations: Dignity in Cross-Doctrinal Perspective, Peter J. Smith
Identity Theft, Privacy, and the Architecture of Vulnerability, Daniel J. Solove
The Origins and Growth of Information Privacy Law, Daniel J. Solove
The Virtues of Knowing Less: Justifying Privacy Protections Against Disclosure, Daniel J. Solove
Can Pragmatism Be Radical? Richard Posner and Legal Pragmatism, Daniel J. Solove and Michael Sullivan
Against Principled Antitrust, Edward T. Swaine
Does Federalism Constrain the Treaty Power?, Edward T. Swaine
Unsigning, Edward T. Swaine
The Breakdown of the United States Government Purchase Card Program and Proposals for Reform, Jessica Tillipman
Does Financial Liberalization Increase the Likelihood of a Systemic Banking Crisis? Evidence from the Past Three Decades and the Great Depression, Arthur E. Wilmarth Jr.
Elusive Foundation: John Marshall, James Wilson, and the Problem of Reconciling Popular Sovereignty and Natural Law Jurisprudence in the New Federal Republic, Arthur E. Wilmarth Jr.
Submissions from 2002
Toward a Jurisprudence of Cost-Benefit Analysis, Michael B. Abramowicz
Festo and the Doctrine of Equivalents: Implications for Patent Infringement Litigation, Martin J. Adelman
The Globalization of Jurisdiction, Paul Schiff Berman
The Story of Davis: Transfers of Property Incident to Divorce, Karen B. Brown
Faithless Wives and Lazy Husbands: Gender Norms in Nineteenth Century Divorce Law, Naomi R. Cahn
Parenthood, Genes, and Gametes: The Family Law and Trusts and Estates Perspectives, Naomi R. Cahn
Sounding the Death Knell for In Loco Parentis, W. Burlette Carter
The Law of Environmental 'PPMs' in the WTO: Debunking the Myth of Illegality, Steve Charnovitz
The Legal Status of the Doha Declarations, Steve Charnovitz
Trans-parliamentary Associations in Global Functional Agencies, Steve Charnovitz
Triangulating the World Trade Organization, Steve Charnovitz
Behavioral Finance and Investor Governance, Charles B. Craver
Gender and Negotiation Performance, Charles B. Craver
Sharing Accounting's Burden: Business Lawyers in Enron's Dark Shadows, Lawrence A. Cunningham
Transitional Justice in Afghanistan: The Promise of Mixed Tribunals, Laura T. Dickinson
Using Legal Process to Fight Terrorism: Detentions, Military Commissions, International Tribunals, and the Rule of Law, Laura T. Dickinson
Doing Well While Doing Good: Reassessing the Scope of Directors' Fiduciary Obligations in For-Profit Corporations with Non-Shareholder Beneficiaries, Lisa M. Fairfax
Form over Substance?: Officer Certification and the Promise of Enhanced Personal Accountability under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, Lisa M. Fairfax
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act as Confirmation of Recent Trends in Director and Officer Fiduciary Obligations, Lisa M. Fairfax