![Faculty Scholarship](../assets/md5images/c1399c4d7cdf334913d71b087472ba6e.png)
GW Law Faculty Publications & Other Works
The Faculty Scholarship collection contains full text scholarly works authored by permanent faculty of the George Washington University Law School.
Works encompass many topics such as government regulation, animal law, business & finance law, constitutional law, civil rights, criminal law, litigation, environmental & energy law, family law, government procurement, health law, intellectual property & technology law, labor law, taxation law, cyber security law, national security law, international law, foreign relations law, and public interest law.
Submissions from 2008
Emerging Policy and Practice Issues (2007), Steven L. Schooner and Danielle M. Conway
Public Procurement Systems: Unpacking Stakeholder Aspirations and Expectations, Steven L. Schooner, Daniel I. Gordon, and Jessica L. Clark
Too Dependent on Contractors? Minimum Standards for Responsible Governance, Steven L. Schooner and Daniel S. Greenspahn
Interpreting the Americans with Disabilities Act: A Case Study in Pragmatic Judicial Reconstruction, Michael Selmi
The Work-Family Conflict: An Essay on Employers, Men and Responsibility, Michael Selmi
Regional Protection of Human Rights (Introduction), Dinah L. Shelton
Soft Law, Dinah L. Shelton
Standard-Setting by the United Nations Commission on Human Rights: An Overview from its Inception in 1947 until the Creation of the Human Rights Council in 2006, Dinah L. Shelton
Textualism and Jurisdiction, Peter J. Smith
Data Mining and the Security-Liberty Debate, Daniel J. Solove
The New Vulnerability: Data Security and Personal Information, Daniel J. Solove
Understanding Privacy (Chapter One), Daniel J. Solove
Putting Missouri v. Holland on the Map, Edward T. Swaine
Taking Care of Treaties, Edward T. Swaine
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Fundamentals, Jessica Tillipman
Complex Litigation Lecture: The Adversary System and Modern Class Action Practice, Roger H. Trangsrud
Subprime Crisis Confirms Wisdom of Separating Banking and Commerce, Arthur E. Wilmarth Jr.
Submissions from 2007
The Danger of Underdeveloped Patent Prospects, Michael B. Abramowicz
The Hidden Beauty of the Quadratic Market Scoring Rule: A Uniform Liquidity Market Maker, with Variations, Michael B. Abramowicz
The Uneasy Case for Patent Races Over Auctions, Michael B. Abramowicz
A Pluralist Approach to International Law, Paul Schiff Berman
Global Legal Pluralism, Paul Schiff Berman
Law and Society Approaches to Cyberspace, Paul Schiff Berman
European Versus American Liberty: A Comparative Privacy Analysis of Anti-Terrorism Data-Mining, Francesca Bignami
Towards a Right to Privacy in Transnational Intelligence Networks, Francesca Bignami
Beyond the Gun Fight: The Aftermath of the Virginia Tech Massacre, Donald Braman and Dan M. Kahan
Culture and Identity-Protective Cognition: Explaining the White Male Effect in Risk Perception, Donald Braman, Dan M. Kahan, John Gastil, Paul Slovic, and C.K. Mertz200
The Second National Risk and Culture Study: Making Sense of - and Making Progress In - The American Culture War of Fact, Donald Braman, Dan M. Kahan, Paul Slovic, John Gastil, and Geoffrey L. Cohen
Affect, Values, and Nanotechnology Risk Perceptions: An Experimental Investigation, Donald Braman, Dan M. Kahan, Paul Slovic, John Gastil, and Geoffrey L. Cohen
Social Security and Government Deficits: When Should We Worry?, Neil H. Buchanan
Autonomy to Choose What Constitutes Family: Oxymoron or Basic Right?, Naomi R. Cahn and June Carbone
Behavioral Biology, the Rational Actor Model, and the New Feminist Agenda, Naomi R. Cahn and June Carbone
Deep Purple: Religious Shades of Family Law, Naomi R. Cahn and June Carbone
Red Families v. Blue Families, Naomi R. Cahn and June Carbone
A New WTO Paradigm for Trade and the Environment, Steve Charnovitz
The WTO's Environmental Progress, Steve Charnovitz
Trade and the Environment in the WTO, Steve Charnovitz
Erie's Constitutional Source, Bradford R. Clark
China: Creating a Legal System for a Market Economy, Donald C. Clarke
Three Concepts of the Independent Director, Donald C. Clarke
Beyond Invisibility: Afro-Argentines in Their Nation's Culture and Memory, Robert J. Cottrol
Book Review, Robert J. Cottrol
Normative Nominalism: The Paradox of Egalitarian Law in Inegalitarian Cultures - Some Lessons from Recent Latin American Historiography, Robert J. Cottrol
A Prescription to Retire the Rhetoric of 'Principles-Based Systems' in Corporate Law, Securities Regulation and Accounting, Lawrence A. Cunningham
Beyond Liability: Rewarding Effective Gatekeepers, Lawrence A. Cunningham
Carrots for Vetogates: Incentive Systems to Promote Capital Market Gatekeeper Effectiveness, Lawrence A. Cunningham
Securitizing Audit Failure Risk: An Alternative to Caps on Damages, Lawrence A. Cunningham
Toward a 'New' New Haven School of International Law?, Laura T. Dickinson
Easier Said than Done? A Corporate Law Theory for Actualizing Social Responsibility Rhetoric, Lisa M. Fairfax
Campaign Speech and Contextual Analysis, Miriam Galston