GW Law Faculty Publications & Other Works
Document Type
Book Part
Publication Date
This is the introductory essay to an edited collection titled Law and Society Approaches to Cyberspace and published by Ashgate Publishing. Accordingly, the essay first considers what qualifies as a law and society approach to any particular subject. Then, I address questions about what it means to study cyberspace, surveying some of the academic literature on the subject and identifying three distinct waves of scholarship about the Internet since the mid 1990s. I also discuss some of the major theoretical fault lines that have emerged during this period. Finally, the essay summarizes each of the contributions to the volume, which includes work by Sherry Turkle, Richard Ross, Dan Hunter, Gunther Teubner, Paul Schiff Berman, James Boyle, Margaret Jane Radin, Lawrence Lessig, Jack L. Balkin, Jane C. Ginsburg, Jessica Litman, Julie E. Cohen, Anupam Chander, Jerry Kang, Jennifer L. Mnookin, and James Grimmelmann.
Recommended Citation
Law and Society Approaches to Cyberspace, Ashgate Publishing, 2007.