Content Posted in 2012
Addressing Government Failure Through International Financial Law, Steve Charnovitz
Adjudication, Antisubordination, and the Jazz Connection, Christopher A. Bracey
Affirmatively Inefficient Jurisprudence?: Confusing Contractors’ Rights to Raise Affirmative Defenses with Sovereign Immunity, Steven L. Schooner and Pamela Kovacs
Aggregate Litigation: Critical Perspectives, Roger H. Trangsrud
A House of Cards Falls: Why 'Too Big to Debar' Is All Slogan and Little Substance, Jessica Tillipman
A Legal Miscellanea: Volume 1, Number 1, Jacob Burns Law Library, George Washington University Law School
A Legal Miscellanea: Volume 1, Number 2, Jacob Burns Law Library, George Washington University Law School
A Legal Miscellanea: Volume 2, Number 1, Jacob Burns Law Library, George Washington University Law School
A Legal Miscellanea: Volume 2, Number 2, Jacob Burns Law Library George Washington University Law School
A Legal Miscellanea: Volume 3, Number 1, Jacob Burns Law Library George Washington University Law School
A Legal Miscellanea: Volume 3, Number 2, Jacob Burns Law Library George Washington University Law School
A Legal Miscellanea: Volume 4, Number 1, Jacob Burns Law Library George Washington University Law School
A Legal Miscellanea: Volume 4, Number 2, Jacob Burns Law Library George Washington University Law School
A Legal Miscellanea: Volume 5, Number 1, Jacob Burns Law Library George Washington University Law School
A Legal Miscellanea: Volume 5, Number 2, Jacob Burns Law Library George Washington University Law School
A Legal Miscellanea: Volume 6, Number 1, Jacob Burns Law Library George Washington University Law School
A Legal Miscellanea: Volume 6, Number 2, Jacob Burns Law Library George Washington University Law School
A Legal Miscellanea: Volume 7, Number 1, Jacob Burns Law Library George Washington University Law School
A Legal Miscellanea: Volume 7, Number 2, Jacob Burns Law Library George Washington University Law School
A Legal Miscellanea: Volume 8, Number 1, Jacob Burns Law Library George Washington University Law School
A Legal Miscellanea: Volume 8, Number 2, Jacob Burns Law Library George Washington University Law School
A Legal Miscellanea: Volume 9, Number 1, Jacob Burns Law Library, George Washington University Law School
A Legal Miscellanea: Volume 9, Number 2, Jacob Burns Law Library, George Washington University Law School
America's New Climate Unilateralism: A Better Approach to Copenhagen, Steve Charnovitz
A Modest Proposal to Enhance Civil/Military Integration: Rethinking the Renegotiation Regime as a Regulatory Mechanism to Decriminalize Cost, Pricing, and Profit Policy, William E. Kovacic and Steven L. Schooner
An Anthropological Approach to Modern Forfeiture Law: The Symbolic Function of Legal Actions Against Objects, Paul Schiff Berman
An Introduction to the United States Legal System: Cases and Comments, Alberto M. Benítez
An Observation and a Strange But True 'Tale': What Might the Historical Trials of Animals Tell Us about the Transformative Potential of Law in American Culture?, Paul Schiff Berman
A Pluralist Approach to International Law, Paul Schiff Berman
A Random Walk: The Federal Circuit’s 2010 Government Contracts Decisions, Steven L. Schooner
A Stable Paradigm: Revisiting Capacity, Vulnerability and the Rights Claims of Adolescents after Roper v. Simmons, Catherine J. Ross
A Visa to "Snitch": An Addendum to Cox and Posner, Eleanor Marie Brown
Barriers to Reliable Credibility Assessments: Domestic Violence Victim-Witnesses, Laurie S. Kohn
Bespoke Custom, Edward T. Swaine
Beyond Course Evaluations: YayNay Sheets, Jessica L. Clark
Biblical Literalism and Constitutional Originalism, Peter J. Smith and Robert W. Tuttle
Book Review of The Law of International Responsibility (James Crawford, Alain Pellet, and Simon Olleson eds., Oxford University Press, 2010), Sean D. Murphy
Brief for Esther Kiobel, et al., as Amici Curiae supporting Petitioners, Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum Co., 132 S.Ct. 1738 (2012) (No. 10-1491)., Ralph G. Steinhardt and Arin Melissa Brenner
Brief for Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. et al., as Amici Curiae supporting Respondents, Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum Co., 132 S.Ct. 1738 (2012) (No. 10-1491)., Bradford R. Clark and Anthony J. Bellia Jr.
Brown and the Contemporary Brazilian Struggle Against Racial Inequality: Some Preliminary Comparative Thoughts, Robert J. Cottrol
Caught in the Crossfire: A Defense of the Cultural Theory of Gun-Risk Perceptions, Donald Braman and Dan M. Kahan
China's Legal System and the WTO: Prospects for Compliance, Donald C. Clarke
Choosing a Text for the Family Law Curriculum of the Twenty-First Century, Catherine J. Ross
Climate Change "Crisis" - Struggling for Worldwide Collective Action, Lisa M. Schenck
Clinical Perspectives: Spring 2009, The Jacob Burns Community Legal Clinics
Clinical Perspectives: Spring 2010, The Jacob Burns Community Legal Clinics
Clinical Perspectives: Spring 2011, The Jacob Burns Community Legal Clinics
Clinical Perspectives: Summer 2012, The Jacob Burns Community Legal Clinics
Clogs in the Pipeline: The Mixed Data on Women Directors and Continued Barriers to Their Advancement, Lisa M. Fairfax
Commentary on the Acquisition Workforce, Steven L. Schooner and Christopher R. Yukins
Commercial Purchasing: The Chasm between the United States Government's Evolving Policy and Practice, Steven L. Schooner
Communicating Governance: Will Plain English Drafting Improve Regulation?, Steven L. Schooner
Comparative Administrative Law, Francesca Bignami
Competitive Sourcing Policy: More Sail than Rudder, Steven L. Schooner
Complex Litigation Lecture: The Adversary System and Modern Class Action Practice, Roger H. Trangsrud
Conflict of Laws, Globalization, and Cosmopolitan Pluralism, Paul Schiff Berman
Constitutional Law: A Contemporary Approach, Gregory E. Maggs and Peter J. Smith
Constitutional Obstacles to Regulating Violence in the Media, Catherine J. Ross
Contemporary Practice of the United States: International Economic Law: President Acts on Labor Claim of Market Disruption, Imposes Tariffs on Chinese Tires, Steve Charnovitz
Contractor Atrocities at Abu Ghraib: Compromised Accountability in a Streamlined, Outsourced Government, Steven L. Schooner
Contractors and the Ultimate Sacrifice, Steven L. Schooner
Corporate Governance in China: An Overview, Donald C. Clarke
Corporations Without Labor: The Politics of Progressive Corporate Law, Dalia Tsuk Mitchell
Crosby as Foreign Relations Law, Edward T. Swaine
Cyberspace and the State Action Debate: The Cultural Value of Applying Constitutional Norms to 'Private' Regulation, Paul Schiff Berman
Dead Contractors: The Un-Examined Effect of Surrogates on the Public’s Casualty Sensitivity, Steven L. Schooner and Collin D. Swan
Desiderata: Objectives for a System of Government Contract Law, Steven L. Schooner
Dialectical Regulation, Territoriality, and Pluralism, Paul Schiff Berman
Dignity in Race Jurisprudence, Christopher A. Bracey
District Court Review of Findings of Fact Proposed by Magistrates: Myth or Reality, Richard J. Pierce Jr
Does Federalism Constrain the Treaty Power?, Edward T. Swaine
Economic Development and the Rights Hypothesis: The China Problem, Donald C. Clarke
Emerging Policy and Practice Issues (2004), Steven L. Schooner and Christopher R. Yukins
Emerging Policy and Practice Issues (2005), Steven L. Schooner and Christopher R. Yukins
Emerging Policy and Practice Issues (2006), Steven L. Schooner and Christopher R. Yukins
Emerging Policy and Practice Issues (2007), Steven L. Schooner and Danielle M. Conway
Emerging Policy and Practice Issues (2008), Steven L. Schooner and David J. Berteau
Emerging Policy and Practice Issues (2009), Steven L. Schooner and David J. Berteau
Emerging Policy and Practice Issues (2010), Steven L. Schooner and David J. Berteau
Emerging Policy and Practice Issues (2011), Steven L. Schooner and David J. Berteau
Empirical Research Into the Chinese Judicial System, Donald C. Clarke
Environmental and Energy Law Perspectives: Fall 2012, Environmental and Energy Law Program
Environmental and Energy Law Perspectives: Spring 2012, Environmental and Energy Law Program
Environmental Perspectives: Fall 2008, Environmental Law Program
Environmental Perspectives: Fall 2009, Environmental Law Program
Environmental Perspectives: Fall 2010, Environmental Law Program
Environmental Perspectives: Spring 2008, Environmental Law Program
Environmental Perspectives: Spring 2009, Environmental Law Program
Environmental Perspectives: Spring 2010, Environmental Law Program
Environmental Perspectives: Spring 2011, Environmental Law Program
Family, Naomi R. Cahn
Fear of Oversight: The Fundamental Failure of Businesslike Government, Steven L. Schooner
Federal Contracting and Acquisition: Progress, Challenges, and the Road Ahead, Steven L. Schooner
Federalism and International Law Through the Lens of Legal Pluralism, Paul Schiff Berman
Federalism and Mass Tort Litigation, Roger H. Trangsrud
Federalism, Instrumentalism, and the Legacy of the Rehnquist Court, Peter J. Smith
Federalism, Lochner, and the Individual Mandate, Peter J. Smith
Finding the Oscar, W. Burlette Carter
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Fundamentals, Jessica Tillipman
Foreword to Scholarly Writing: Ideas, Examples, and Execution, Steven L. Schooner
Foster Children Awaiting Adoption Under the Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997, Catherine J. Ross
From International Law to Law and Globalization, Paul Schiff Berman
From Pluralism to Individualism: Berle and Means and 20th-Century American Legal Thought, Dalia Tsuk Mitchell
From Start to Finish: A Historical Review of Nuclear Arms Control Treaties and Starting Over With the New Start, Lisa M. Schenck and Robert A. Youmans
Fundamentalist Challenges to Core Democratic Values: Exit and Homeschooling, Catherine J. Ross
Getting Back to Basics: Some Thoughts on Dignity, Materialism, and a Culture of Racial Equality, Christopher A. Bracey
Global Legal Pluralism, Paul Schiff Berman
Global Legal Pluralism: A Jurisprudence of Law Beyond Borders (Introduction), Paul Schiff Berman
Good Deficits: Protecting the Public Interest From Deficit Hysteria, Neil H. Buchanan
Government Governance and the Need to Reconcile Government Regulation with Board Fiduciary Duties, Lisa M. Fairfax
Government Lawyering, Jessica Tillipman and Robert B. Mahini
Hail, No: Changing the Chief Justice, Edward T. Swaine
How Different are Originalism and Non-Originalism?, Peter J. Smith
How Do We Know When an Enterprise Exists? Unanswerable Questions and Legal Polycentricity in China, Donald C. Clarke
Implementing Constitutional Rights for Juveniles: The Parent-Child Privilege in Context, Catherine J. Ross
Including Law in the Mix: The Role of Law, Lawyers, and Legal Training in Child Advocacy, Catherine J. Ross
Incrementalism: Eroding the Impediments to a Global Public Procurement Market, Christopher R. Yukins and Steven L. Schooner
In Defense of Judicial Empathy, Thomas B. Colby
Infecting Attorney-Client Confidentiality: The Ethics of HIV Disclosure, Laurie S. Kohn
Intellectual Property Perspectives: Fall 2008, IP Law Program
Intellectual Property Perspectives: Fall 2009, IP Law Program
Intellectual Property Perspectives: Fall 2010, IP Law Program
Intellectual Property Perspectives: Fall 2011, IP Law Program
Intellectual Property Perspectives: Spring 2008, IP Law Program
Intellectual Property Perspectives: Spring 2009, IP Law Program
Intellectual Property Perspectives: Spring 2010, IP Law Program
Intellectual Property Perspectives: Spring 2011, IP Law Program
Intellectual Property Perspectives: Spring 2012, IP Law Program
International & Comparative Law Perspectives: Fall 2008, Int'l & Comp. Law Program
International & Comparative Law Perspectives: Fall 2009, Int'l & Comp. Law Program
International & Comparative Law Perspectives: Fall 2010, Int'l & Comp. Law Program
International & Comparative Law Perspectives: Fall 2012, Int'l & Comp. Law Program
International & Comparative Law Perspectives: Spring 2010, Int'l & Comp. Law Program
'I've Got Nothing to Hide' and Other Misunderstandings of Privacy, Daniel J. Solove
Justice Advanced: Comments on William Nelson’s Brown v. Board of Education and the Jurisprudence of Legal Realism, Robert J. Cottrol
Landscape Level Management of Parks, Refuges, and Preserves for Ecosystem Resilience, Robert L. Glicksman and Graeme S. Cumming
Law and Society Approaches to Cyberspace, Paul Schiff Berman
Legal Disputes Related to Climate Change Will Continue for a Century, Richard J. Pierce Jr
Legal Scholarship Symposium: The Scholarship of Lawrence M. Friedman, Robert J. Cottrol
Living Originalism, Peter J. Smith and Thomas Colby
Louis Brandeis and the Race Question, Christopher A. Bracey
Making the Corporation Safe for Shareholder Democracy, Lisa M. Fairfax
Matching Political Contributions, Spencer A. Overton
Model Behaviour? Anecdotal Evidence of Tension between Evolving Commercial Public Procurement Practices and Trade Policy, Steven L. Schooner and Christopher R. Yukins
Murder and the Reasonable Man: Passion and Fear in the Criminal Courtroom, Cynthia Lee
Natural Gas Fracking Addresses All of Our Major Problems, Richard J. Pierce Jr
Negotiating Federalism: State Bargaining and the Dormant Treaty Power, Edward T. Swaine
New Legal Fictions, Peter J. Smith
‘Nothing But Wind’? The Past and Future of Comparative Corporate Governance, Donald C. Clarke
Overcoming the Fear of Guns, the Fear of Gun Control, and the Fear of Cultural Politics: Constructing a Better Gun Debate, Donald Braman and Dan M. Kahan
Owning Versus Renting: Thoughts on Housing Policy, Tax Incentives, and Middle Class Dreams, Neil H. Buchanan
Panel Two: Who’s Minding the Baby?, Catherine J. Ross, Adrienne Davis, Marion Crain, Bonnie Thornton Dill, Nancy Dowd, and Joan Williams
Parenthood, Genes, and Gametes: The Family Law and Trusts and Estates Perspectives, Naomi R. Cahn
Pennhurst, Chevron, and the Spending Power, Peter J. Smith
Placing Children in Context: Parents, Foster Care, and Poverty, Naomi R. Cahn
Policing Women: Moral Arguments and the Dilemmas of Criminalization., Naomi R. Cahn
Post-Katrina Reconstruction Liability: Exposing the Inferior Risk-Bearer, Steven L. Schooner and Erin Siuda-Pfeffer
Power and Politics in the Chinese Court System: The Enforcement of Civil Judgments, Donald C. Clarke
Predictive Decisionmaking, Michael B. Abramowicz
Public Procurement Systems: Unpacking Stakeholder Aspirations and Expectations, Steven L. Schooner, Daniel I. Gordon, and Jessica L. Clark
Putting Missouri v. Holland on the Map, Edward T. Swaine
Puzzling Observations in Chinese Law: When Is a Riddle Just a Mistake?, Donald C. Clarke
Rational Custom, Edward T. Swaine
Rats, Pigs, and Statues on Trial: The Creation of Cultural Narratives in the Prosecution of Animals and Inanimate Objects, Paul Schiff Berman
Reconstructing Langdell, W. Burlette Carter
Reserving, Edward T. Swaine
Review Essay: 'Seeing Beyond the Limits of International Law,' Jack L. Goldsmith and Eric A. Posner, 'The Limits of International Law', Paul Schiff Berman
Reviewing Carbon Changes and Free Allowances Under Environmental Law, Steve Charnovitz
Review of the Expanding Role of State and Local Governments in U.S. Foreign Affairs, Edward T. Swaine
Risky Business: Managing Interagency Acquisition, Steven L. Schooner
Scholarly Writing: Ideas, Examples, and Execution, Jessica L. Clark and Kristen E. Murray
Shareholders as Proxies: The Contours of Shareholder Democracy, Dalia Tsuk Mitchell
Sources of Federalism: An Empirical Analysis of the Court's Quest for Original Meaning, Peter J. Smith
States as Nations: Dignity in Cross-Doctrinal Perspective, Peter J. Smith
Subsidiarity and Self-Interest: Federalism at the European Court of Justice, Edward T. Swaine
Suing the Government as a 'Joint Employer' - Evolving Pathologies of the Blended Workforce, Steven L. Schooner and Collin D. Swan
Taking Care of Treaties, Edward T. Swaine
Telling a Less Suspicious Story: Notes Toward a Non-Skeptical Approach to Legal/Cultural Analysis, Paul Schiff Berman
Tempering 'Buy American' in the Recovery Act - Steering Clear of a Trade War, Steven L. Schooner and Christopher R. Yukins
Terrorism and the Law: Cases and Materials, Gregory E. Maggs
Testimony of Richard J. Pierce, Jr. Before the Social Security Subcommittee of the House Ways and Means Committee (June 27, 2012), Richard J. Pierce Jr
Test Tube Families: Why the Fertility Market Needs Legal Regulations, Naomi R. Cahn
Textualism and Jurisdiction, Peter J. Smith
The Breakdown of the United States Government Purchase Card Program and Proposals for Reform, Jessica Tillipman
The Coin of the Realm: Poverty and the Commodification of Gendered Labor, Naomi R. Cahn
The Color of Our Future: The Pitfalls and Possibilities of the Race Card in American Culture, Christopher A. Bracey
The Constitutionality of International Delegations, Edward T. Swaine
The Cul De Sac of Race Preference Discourse, Christopher A. Bracey
The Enduring Connections Between Law and Culture: Reviewing Lawrence Rosen, Law as Culture, and Oscar Chase, Law, Culture, and Ritual, Paul Schiff Berman
The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act & Government Contractors: Compliance Trends & Collateral Consequences, Jessica Tillipman
The FTCA Discretionary Function Exception and Accounting Malpractice, Steven L. Schooner
The Future of Shareholder Democracy, Lisa M. Fairfax
The George Washington University Law School
The Globalization of Jurisdiction, Paul Schiff Berman
The Illegitimacy of Preventing NGO Participation, Steve Charnovitz
The Impact of Negotiator Styles on Bargaining Interactions, Charles B. Craver
The Independent Director in Chinese Corporate Governance, Donald C. Clarke
The Institutional Case for Judicial Review, Jonathan R. Siegel
The Justice System and Domestic Violence: Engaging the Case but Divorcing the Victim, Laurie S. Kohn
The Legal Origins Theory in Crisis, Lisa M. Fairfax
The Local Law of Global Antitrust, Edward T. Swaine
The Long and Winding Road: Developing an Online Research Curriculum, Jessica L. Clark and Nicole Evans Harris
The Long Lingering Shadow: Law, Liberalism, and Cultures of Racial Hierarchy and Identity in the Americas, Robert J. Cottrol
The Marshall Court and the Originalist's Dilemma, Peter J. Smith
The Necessity of Tradeoffs in a Properly Functioning Civil Procedure System, Alan B. Morrison
The New Legal Pluralism, Paul Schiff Berman
The Parent-Child Privilege in Context, Catherine J. Ross
The Participation Interest, Spencer A. Overton
The Pentagon Papers Case and the Wikileaks Controversy: National Security and the First Amendment, Jerome A. Barron
The Political Economy of Youngstown, Edward T. Swaine
The Power of Caretaking, Naomi R. Cahn
The Private Attorney-General in China: Potential and Pitfalls, Donald C. Clarke
The Role of Non-Legal Institutions in Chinese Corporate Governance, Donald C. Clarke
The Silent Resurrection of Plessy: The Supreme Court’s Acquiescence in the Resegregation of America’s Schools, Lisa M. Fairfax
The Undersea World of Foreign Relations Federalism, Edward T. Swaine
The Victim-Informed Prosecution Project: A Quasi-Experimental Test of a Collaborative Model for Cases of Intimate Partner Violence, Laurie S. Kohn, Laura Bennett Cattaneo, Lisa A. Goodman, Deborah Epstein, and Holly A. Zanville
The WTO’s Revised Government Procurement Agreement - An Important Milestone Toward Greater Market Access and Transparency in Global Public Procurement Markets, Robert D. Anderson, Steven L. Schooner, and Collin D. Swan
Thinking Race, Making Nation (reviewing Glenn C. Loury, The Anatomy of Racial Inequality), Christopher A. Bracey
Three Concepts of the Independent Director, Donald C. Clarke
Too Dependent on Contractors? Minimum Standards for Responsible Governance, Steven L. Schooner and Daniel S. Greenspahn
Towards a Cosmopolitan Vision of Conflict of Laws: Redefining Governmental Interests in a Global Era, Paul Schiff Berman
Towards a Jurisprudence of Hybridity, Paul Schiff Berman
Venture Capital Investment and Small Business Affiliation Rules: Why a Limited Exception is Crucial to Economic Recovery Efforts, Jessica Tillipman and Damian Specht
Watching the Sunset: Anticipating GAO's Study of Concurrent Bid Protest Jurisdiction in the Cofc and the District Courts, Steven L. Schooner
What Is International Economic Law?, Steve Charnovitz
What Kind of Environment Do We Owe Future Generations?, Neil H. Buchanan
What Next? A Heuristic Approach to Revitalizing the Contract Disputes Act of 1978, Steven L. Schooner
What's so Funny About Peace, Love, and Understanding? Restorative Justice as a New Paradigm for Domestic Violence Intervention, Laurie S. Kohn
When You Wish Upon a Star: Explaining the Cautious Growth of Royalty-Backed Securitization, Lisa M. Fairfax
Why Contractor Fatalities Matter, Steven L. Schooner
Why Doesn’t She Leave? The Collision of First Amendment Rights and Effective Court Remedies for Victims of Domestic Violence, Laurie S. Kohn
Why We Should Never Pay Down the National Debt, Neil H. Buchanan