GW Law Faculty Publications & Other Works
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This article suggests that knowledge derived from adoption-related research and experience can be used to improve law, policy and practice in the world of assisted reproductive technologies (ART), particularly with respect to sperm, egg and embryo "donations." While there are numerous and significant differences between adoption and ART, the article identifies several areas in which adoption's lessons could be useful. These include secrecy and the withholding of information; a focus on the best interests of children; the creation of "nontraditional" families, particularly as more single, gay and lesbian adults use ART; the impact of market forces; and legal and regulatory frameworks to inform standards and procedures.
GW Paper Series
GWU Law School Public Law Research Paper No. 532; GWU Legal Studies Research Paper No. 532
Recommended Citation
Naomi Cahn, Old Lessons for a New World: Applying Adoption Research and Experience to Art, 24 J. Am. Acad. Matrim. Law. 1 (2011).