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This collection of short pieces celebrate the extraordinary life of Judge Ruth Thelma Cooper Breslauer Burg (1926-2023). As Judge Page reflects: "Those of us privileged to know her held Judge Burg in awe, and she remains a personal and professional inspiration. Judge Burg is celebrated for many reasons: her exceptional intellect; her professional accomplishments as a judge, lawyer, and mediator; her dedication to her Jewish faith; and her deep allegiance to her family and friends." Judge Williams explains that "a few luminaries in the ABA Section of Public Contract Law ... epitomize the Section’s attributes—commitment to excellence in the law, mutual respect in debate, and abiding friendship among our members. Ruth is one of the most memorable of those luminaries. Our Section is a family, and Ruth was its matriarch." John Pachter reminds us that: "Ruth received many well-deserved accolades, but she is best remembered for mentoring and making us better lawyers and Section members." My contribution recalls how proud we were to count her among GW Law's "monumental" alumni and concludes: "She was sui generis, a force of nature, and an inspiration."

GW Paper Series


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