Content Posted in 2016
Adversary Breakdown and Judicial Role Confusion In “Small Case” Civil Justice, Jessica K. Steinberg
A Legal Miscellanea: Volume 10, Number 2, Jacob Burns Law Library George Washington University Law School
A New Approach to Voir Dire on Racial Bias, Cynthia Lee
Berkshire's Blemishes: Lessons for Buffett's Successors, Peers, and Policy, Lawrence A. Cunningham
"Bitch," Go Directly to Jail: Student Speech and Entry into the School-to-Prison Pipeline, Catherine J. Ross
Book Review: Lessons in Censorship: How Schools and Courts Subvert Students’ First Amendment Rights (Catherine J. Ross), Naomi R. Cahn
Can't Anyone Here Play This Game? Judging the FTC's Critics, David A. Hyman and William E. Kovacic
Constitutional Law: A Contemporary Approach, Gregory E. Maggs and Peter J. Smith
Consume or Invest: What Do/Should Agency Leaders Maximize?, William E. Kovacic and David A. Hyman
Court-Agency Dialogue: Article III's Dual Nature and the Boundaries of Reviewability, Emily Hammond
Don't End or Audit the Fed: Central Bank Independence in an Age of Austerity, Neil H. Buchanan and Michael C. Dorf
Double Deference in Administrative Law, Emily Hammond
Dynamic Governance in Theory and Application, Part I, Robert L. Glicksman and David L. Markell
Emerging Policy and Practice Issues (2016), Steven L. Schooner and Neal J. Couture
Explaining Variations in Bailout Policies: A Review of Cornelia Woll's the Power of Inaction, Arthur E. Wilmarth Jr. and Kelsey M. Barnes
Fall 2016 Supplement to Brauneis & Schechter, Copyright: A Contemporary Approach, Robert Brauneis and Roger E. Schechter
Formal Versus Functional Method in Comparative Constitutional Law, Francesca Bignami
Gender and the Sharing Economy, Naomi Schoenbaum
GPA Accession: Lessons Learned on the Strengths and Weaknesses of the WTO Government Procurement Agreement, Christopher R. Yukins and Johannes S. Schnitzer
Health Care Competition Law in the Shadow of State Action: Minimizing MACs, David A. Hyman and William E. Kovacic
How the Creation of Appellate Courts in England and the United States Limited Judicial Comment on Evidence to the Jury, Renée Lettow Lerner
Incomplete Dispositions, Naomi R. Cahn
Individual Sanctions for Competition Law Infringements: Pros, Cons and Challenges, William E. Kovacic, Florian Wagner-von Paap, Autorite de la Concurrence, Daniel Zimmer, and Andreas Stephan
International Procurement Developments in 2015: Structural Reforms to International Procurement Laws, Christopher R. Yukins
Introduction. A New Field: Comparative Law and Regulation, Francesca Bignami
Introductory Chapter to Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Law: Decisionmaking in Environmental Law, Robert L. Glicksman and Lee C. Paddock
Just the Facts Ma’am": How Military Appellate Courts Rely on Factual Sufficiency Review to Overturn Sexual Assault Cases When Victims are "Incapacitated", Lisa M. Schenck
Keynote Address | Sexual Offenses: Lessons from the Front Lines, Lisa M. Schenck
Nuclear Power, Risk, and Retroactivity, Emily Hammond
On the Evolution of Property Ownership Among Former Slaves, Newly Freedmen, Eleanor Marie Brown
Patent Transfer And The Bundle of Sticks, Andrew Michaels
Placing the Government in Fragile Democracies, David Fontana
Prelude to Glass-Steagall: Abusive Securities Practices by National City Bank and Chase National Bank During the “Roaring Twenties”, Arthur E. Wilmarth Jr.
Prior Consistent Statements: The Dangers of Misinterpreting Recently Amended Fre 801(D)(1)(B)*, Laird Kirkpatrick and Christopher B. Mueller
Protection of Persons in the Event of Disasters and Other Topics: The Sixty-Eighth Session of the International Law Commission, Sean D. Murphy
Race, Policing, and Lethal Force: Remedying Shooter Bias with Martial Arts Training, Cynthia Lee
Regulation and the Courts: Judicial Review in Comparative Perspective, Francesca Bignami
Regulatory Leveraging: Problem or Solution?, William E. Kovacic and David A. Hyman
Reinvigorating Innovation: Lessons Learned from the Wright Brothers, Steven L. Schooner and Nathaniel E. Castellano
Second report on crimes against humanity, Sean D. Murphy
SPOE + TLAC = More Bailouts for Wall Street, Arthur E. Wilmarth Jr.
Statistical Inequality and Intentional (Not Implicit) Discrimination, Michael Selmi
Stranded Costs and Grid Decarbonization, Emily Hammond and Jim Rossi
Taming the Wild West: Online Excesses, Reactions and Overreactions, Catherine J. Ross
Technological Innovation, Data Analytics, and Environmental Enforcement, Robert L. Glicksman
The Bonding Effect in Cross-Listed Chinese Companies: Is it Real?, Donald C. Clarke
The Case for Symmetry in Antidiscrimination Law, Naomi Schoenbaum
The Clean Power Plan: Testing the Limits of Administrative Law and the Electric Grid, Emily Hammond and Richard J. Pierce Jr
The Eritrean-Ethiopian War (1998-2000), Sean D. Murphy
The Inefficient Evolution of Merger Agreements, Jeffrey Manns
The Inevitable Legal Pluralism within Universal Harmonization Regimes: The Case of the Cisg, Paul Schiff Berman
The Law of China's Local Government Debt Crisis: Local Government Financing Vehicles and Their Bonds, Donald C. Clarke
The Law of Intimate Work, Naomi Schoenbaum
The Mystery of Unanimity in Hosanna-Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church & School V. EEOC, Ira C. Lupu and Robert W. Tuttle
The Narrowing of Federal Power By the American Political Capital, David Fontana
The Puzzle of Alfarabi's Parallel Works, Miriam Galston
The Troublesome Inheritance of Americans in Magna Carta and Trial by Jury, Renée Lettow Lerner
The Ultimate Unifying Approach to Complying with All Laws and Regulations, Daniel J. Solove and Woodrow Hartzog
Too Big and Unable to Fail, Arthur E. Wilmarth Jr. and Stephen Lubben
Towards a Law of Coworkers, Naomi Schoenbaum
Unequal Terms: Gender, Power, and the Recreation of Hierarchy, Naomi R. Cahn and June Carbone
What's Warren Buffett's Secret to Great Writing?, Lawrence A. Cunningham
Why Black Homeowners are More Likely to Be Caribbean-American than African-American in New York: A Theory of How Early West Indian Migrants Broke Racial Cartels in Housing, Eleanor Marie Brown